France TV
2024 was a huge year for sport, from the Olympics to Euro 2024, the summer has been filled with triumphant sporting endeavors. But how audiences experience these events outside of the arenas has changed significantly and broadcasters are working hard…
FOH view 2
DirectOut is a leading manufacturer of professional audio solutions for redundancy across playback, speaker management, broadcast audio and live sound networks. The PRODIGY.MX and .MP units were chosen by Showtec International Pte Ltd, Singapore’s premier audio solution company, to deliver…
ROCsett PCR production @NEP Sweden room
Broadcast Service Provider NEP Sweden unveiled three cutting-edge Remote Operation Centers (ROCs) in 2023, for the audio workflow, DirectOut is the main supplier of audio systems.
Billy Talent
Canadian front of house engineer Matt Blakely is the happy owner of PRODIGY.MP for his personal live audio processing. Blakely has over 20 years’ experience and his latest tour with Billy Talent had dates worldwide, throughout the summer.
3_Jeevan Braich (Rusty) and Jaydon Vijn (Hydra) in Starlight Express (Photo Credit Pamela Raith)
DirectOut is the creator of multi-function audio processor PRODIGY.MX, currently in use across a range of Gareth Owen Sound (GOS) Productions. These include the recently opened production of Starlight Express at London’s Troubadour Wembley Park Theatre, and The Devil Wears…
Nach der ersten Zusammenarbeit mit RME, dem Digiface RAVENNA, ergänzt DirectOut nun das USB.IO, ein USB-Audio-Interface-Modul für seinen MAVEN und PRODIGY Plattformen.
DirectOut, ein führender Hersteller professioneller Audiolösungen, freut sich, die Markteinführung von MAVEN bekannt zu geben - einer intelligenten Audioplattform, die die Grenzen von Flexibilität, Rack-Space und DSP-Performance neu definiert.
The Third Wish - DirectOut is proud to introduce PRODIGY.MX, a multiformat audio matrix elevating the audio routing, converting, and processing capabilities of the PRODIGY Series to the next level.
DirectOut präsentiert eine neue Audiolösung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem dänischen Designer und Hersteller von universellen Broadcast Control Panels SKAARHOJ. Kunden haben nun eine neue Möglichkeit, den Multifunktions Audioprozessor PRODIGY.MP zu steuern.
Wie DirectOut und Lawo heute bekanntgaben, sind die modularen Audiowandler PRODIGY.MP und PRODIGY.MC, die erst kürzlich mit Coldplay auf Tour waren, nun vollständig in Lawos HOME-Plattform integriert.

DirectOut GmbH
Hainichener Str. 66a
D-09648 Mittweida

Phone: +49 (0)3727 5650-00

© DirectOut GmbH 2024