Mobilelinks are in possession of nine EXBOX.RAV which work in the network of a large Nordic broadcaster, plus a further four EXBOXes that work as a MADI bridge to clients’ RAVENNA/AES67 networks.
Allyn Srl, one of the main players for the Italian market of professional Broadcast and Media solutions, redesigned the management of AoIP flows within the two sites of an important national broadcaster.
Systems Engineer Chris Goddard discusses the installation of 15 DirectOut Prodigy Series for Timeline TV’s coverage of two high-profile, televised sporting events.
Eurovision Song Contest 2022 - Picture provided by: EBU / SARAH LOUISE BENNETT
Broadcast to more than 50 countries worldwide and attracting upwards of 200 million viewers, the Eurovision Song Contest 2022 (ESC2022) employed the most extensive DirectOut audio infrastructure so far used at the event, setting new standards in the reliability of…
Those who work in audio recording and signal distribution for live and touring applications already know how flexible and handy DirectOut technical solutions are. A device like the PRODIGY.MP multifunction processor allows to cut the amount of gear necessary to…
Im April und Juni 2020 nahm RTBF, Belgiens öffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunkanstalt für die französischsprachige Region des Landes, zwei bahnbrechende und identische Full-IP Ü-Wagen in Empfang. Um größtmögliche Flexibilität im Audio-Bereich sicherzustellen, spielt Equipment von DirectOut eine wichtige Rolle.
Der 1982 gegründete Schweizer Privatsender Teleclub gilt als einer der ältesten Pay-TV-Sender Europas. Mit dem Anbruch des digitalen Zeitalters wurde 2002 in Volketswil ein hochmodernes Sende- und Produktionszentrum mit...

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