Since its debut in 1986, this iconic musical has had a lasting influence, defining what it means to be a truly immortal production... The entire management and adjustment of the system are handled by three units of PRODIGY.MP
For Bad Cinderella, Owen employed a PRODIGY.MP multifunction audio processor from DirectOut Technologies (, to form the backbone of the audio system, handling routing, MADI-to-Dante conversion, sample rate conversion and redundancy.
The Duse theater in Bologna is one of the oldest drama theaters in the city. PRODIGY.MP is at the heart of the new audio system recently installed.
Mobilelinks are in possession of nine EXBOX.RAV which work in the network of a large Nordic broadcaster, plus a further four EXBOXes that work as a MADI bridge to clients’ RAVENNA/AES67 networks.
Allyn Srl, one of the main players for the Italian market of professional Broadcast and Media solutions, redesigned the management of AoIP flows within the two sites of an important national broadcaster.
Die Bregenzer Festspiele sind jährlich ein Publikumsmagnet für mehr als 200.000 Besucher:innen und Besucher. In den Monaten Juli und August können sich Kulturliebhaber aus aller Welt an mehr als 80 Aufführungen erfreuen.
The challenge – exchange multiple channels of uncompressed audio between two locations approximately 20 miles apart…and can it possibly be extended to any other location(s)……anywhere on the planet?These were the questions that Stephen Bailey had in mind when he started…
Der 1982 gegründete Schweizer Privatsender Teleclub gilt als einer der ältesten Pay-TV-Sender Europas. Mit dem Anbruch des digitalen Zeitalters wurde 2002 in Volketswil ein hochmodernes Sende- und Produktionszentrum mit...

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