DirectOut PRODIGY.MP - Changelog 21-08-2024

Build 36a (20.8.2024)

- Mirror mode: crash due to missing dependencies <- fixed

Build 36 (5.8.2024)

- USB.IO support added
- FPGA: MADI RX improved
- AES SRC lock/mute improved
- improved information in support archive
- HOME: support multiple NATS

- improvements to internal watchdog
- improved TCP/IP connection handling to avoid potential unavailability of the device

- automator: issue matching OSC integer values <- fixed
- FPGA: MADI#2 FastSRC Sample Rate Factor fixed
- snmp: small bugfixes (NOTE: a new MIB file is required to use the updated version of the snmp service!)
- HOME: service did not start automatically after reboot <- fixed

Build 35 (19.12.2023)

- support for MADI2.BNC.SRC.IO

- AN8.O 2.0 - use fast Roll-off filter to avoid frequency issues above 18kHz (latency ~30 samples)

- Net mask CID translation did not work properly
- replaced wrong automator binary
- front panel: improved behaviour of snapshot list

Build 34 (17.10.2023)

- Link Local Address support if DHCP is not answering (zeroConf)
- AES Output Dark
- automator: link faders between devices
- HOME support prepared
- support for MADI2.BNC.SRC.IO
- MIDI Tunnel for SG.IO (available in MIDI Matrix)

- FPGA: Userbit transparency for NET slots with inactive AM824 setting
- cored: increased number of possible connections
- cored: improved log output
- Improved stability of firmware updates of NET modules with SRC

- FPGA: MTC 30fps
- FPGA: MADI Slot 2 Sample rate factor information fixed

Build 33 (25.05.2023)
MADI2.SFP.IO support
SNMP support

FPGA/cored: improved configuration for modules with ESS ADC converters
autoupdated: improved stability of NET.BASE.SRC module firmware updates

FPGA: MADI Mode Legacy/Highspeed swap corrected

Build 32 (19.12.2022)
Front Panel: Display Timeout and Brightness control
Input Slot Labels
Recall Snapshot 1/2 with GPI 1/2
(support for HCONTROL.8 via globcon/GLUE)

FPGA: improved FastSRC
FPGA: BLDS detection for 96k and 192k frame mode
Ember+: fix for crash after many connection attempts
Triggers would trigger always on device startup
Gateway Information
Fix for bit transparency mode in combination with ESS ADC modules
improved configuration of ESS DAC modules to prevent unwanted muting

Build 31 (2022-08-17)

Crossfade for Groups
Reset device without removing snapshots
Group crossfades for Ember+ service
Reduced delay for ESS DA converters
HOME button pressed for 30 seconds also restarts web server
Automator (Settings/Licenses)

Build 30 (2022-05-18)

improved snapshot load behaviour in config mode: automatic MUTE ALL is applied on recall
WCK Out can be fixed to 1FS or Follow FS (Follow FS was previous behaviour)
MADI High Speed mode for 4FS (switchable)
MADI Output Dark
EARS with Disaster Recovery
Input Mutes
Ember+ with Levelmeter Support
improved warning messages for PSU failure and power over-consumption
added dynamic measurement of power consumption to allow usage of more than 6 MIC8.HD modules
display and configuration of RAV.IO IP addresses

Build 29 (2021-12-22)

New Features
   support for analog I/O modules Rev 2.0

   unnecessary error messgaes by MirrorMode service <- fixed
   Hush wizzard value was not applied after reboot <- fixed

Build 28

NOTE: This release requires globcon version 1.8.0. Build 26 needs to be installed first, if the device shall be updated from an earlier version (< build 26).

New Features
   Summing Busses (PRODIGY.MC - Advanced or license bundle FastSRC)


   User definable slot labels


   Confirmation dialog on snapshot page if snapshots are loaded in CONFIG mode

   Improved support archive information


   fixed issue with blocked License Manager

   Ember+: improved gain value representation

Build 27

NOTE: This release requires globcon version 1.7.0 and Build 26 being installed first.

NOTE: globcon version 1.7.0 needs to be downloaded from - it is not updated automatically from an earlier version installed.

New Features

   Input Managers with silence detection
   Automatic Bypass for FastSRC(TM)
   Loudness Metering (license option)

Build 26

NOTE: This release requires globcon version 1.6.0

New Features

   Front panel: signal present indicator in levelmeters aligned with globcon levelmeters
   Front panel: license information page with info about license state on the device
   Remote control: Ember+ service
   Remote control: OSC service


   Front panel: levelmeter flickering with static signals (e.g. sine wave) <- fixed
   Front panel: graphical module label wrap-around for certain module types <- fixed

Build 25

NOTE: This release requires globcon version 1.5.0

New Features

   Snapshots can be stored in the device and recalled stand-alone from the front panel
   "Configuration" and "Show" Mode


   Improved MADI receiver
   Improved file handling for configuration data

Build 23

New Features

    GROUPS: Outputs can be assigned to up to 16 groups
    basic MIDI-over-MADI control support (Gains, P48, PAD -> use PRODIGY MIDI PlugIn in globcon)
    improved Fan speed measurement


    improved DA Mute during power-on
    AoIP modules could be set and held in reset state after several weeks without reboot <- fixed
    FrontPanel: Output Levelmeters did not work <- fixed
    FrontPanel: Phones Mute Button was not updated correctly in all cases <- fixed


Build 22 

New Features

Fast SRCs (bidirectional low latency asynchronous SRC) for MADI and NET I/Os
MIDI-Matrix (incl. support for MIDI-over-MADI tunneling)
LTC to MTC converter
Sine wave, Pink noise and white noise generators
Enhanced Automatic Redundancy Switching (EARS) for NET and MADI I/Os
Levelmeter speed configuration


Lock state not preserved on page reload via Browser <- fixed
Bit transparency for ST2110-31 and AES I/Os did not work properly <- fixed
improved globcon bridge startup behaviour

Build 21 

New Features

Front panel: Locking function with PIN entry and auto lock
Front panel: optional home view with big LTC display (tap on LTC to activate)
Auto clock algorithm for automatic sync source changeover
Fan control with setting for temperature threshold and silent mode
Transparent mode for MADI and NET I/Os for ST2110-31 support
IMPROVEMENT: Update now preserves network interface configuration


Front Panel:
Front panel: clock source on home screen was not updated correctly under certain circumstances
Front panel: encoder turn did not work anymore when display was released from idle state via tap on the screen

Build 20

Issues Resolved:
BUGFIX: Phase reverse fix of FPGA build 66 affected AES outputs also

Improved idle Display behaviour -> if the screen is dark the first tap on the screen, encoder movement or pressing a button is ignored and just turns on the backlight
Improved Watchdog

Build 19

Issues Resolved:
BUGFIX: 64ch Mode for MADI I/Os did not work properly at 2FS and 4FS
BUGFIX: AN8.O Line Outputs were phase reversed
BUGFIX: Gain Range of MIC8.LINE modules was not completely available
BUGFIX: AES LED still showed blue color for clock master even if there was no input signal available

New Features:
added downloadable Support Archive
added watchdog for front panel UI
added PAD initialisation during boot

Build 18

Issues Resolved:
- Gateway setting was not restored after reboot on UI <- fixed
- noise on Headphone Outputs @4FS <- fixed
- improved DANTE.IO boot behavior

New Features:
- support for all MIC modules