Im Rahmen der 30. Tonmeistertagung vom 14. bis 17. November in Köln, stellt DirectOut seinen modularen Audio Wandler PRODIGY.MC erstmals dem deutschen Publikum vor. Der deutsche Netzwerkaudiospezialist zeigt damit das erste Mitglied einer neuen Produktfamilie für flexiblen Einsatz im Bereich…

After a stunning successful premier at IBC2018 in Amsterdam, German audio network and interconnectivity specialist DirectOut Technologies will showcase the first member of its powerful and extremely flexible new flagship interface series at AES New York and NAB NY.PRODIDGY.MC is…

German audio network and interconnectivity specialist, DirectOut Technologies, has unveiled the first member of a powerful new broadcast product family, with extremely flexible applications. The PRODIDGY.MC is a modular audio converter and audio router supporting multiple formats, with a variety…

Artel Video Systems, a world-class provider of innovative real-time multimedia delivery solutions, today announced that it has partnered with DirectOut Technologies at IBC2018 to demonstrate IP interoperability between Artel’s Quarra PTP Ethernet switch and DirectOut’s MONTONE.42 converter that bridges MADI…

DirectOut to Join Industry-Leading Vendors and Broadcasters in Educating IBC Visitors About Standards-Based IP Signal Transport.DirectOut today announced that it will be participating in the IP Showcase at IBC2018. As part of its audio demonstration, the ST2110-30 and AES67 compliant…

DirectOut Technologies has significantly expanded the capabilities of its recently released EXBOX.MD Dante/MADI interface, with a major firmware and software update.The German networking and pro audio specialist company previewed the updated EXBOX.MD at the AES Milan 2018 Convention, demonstrating it…