A simple self test of the IO functions is available at /selftest.html.
Warning: Running the self test, even just loading this page, will alter your current device configuration! Make sure nobody is using the device and you have a snapshot of your current settings!
- To check the MADI ports, connect each output to its input until the SYNC LED lights up constantly and the corresponding field turns green.
- To test WCK input and Video input, connect them with valid signals and termination turned on/off. The corresponding fields turn green if the device can lock to the signal.
- To test the serial ports, put loop dongles on the RS232 port (pin 2 looped back to pin 3, reference) and RS422 port (pins 2/8 and 3/7 connected, reference), and loop the MIDI back with a normal MIDI cable. The RS485 test uses local echo and can be performed without a dongle. Press in the corresponding fields to start the test; the field will turn yellow. After the test finished, it will turn either green or red to indicate the test result.
- To test the GPOs, klick on the checkboxes.